State Machine

At, our mission is to provide a comprehensive resource for all things related to state machines. We aim to educate and inform our audience about the benefits and applications of state machines in various industries, including software development, robotics, and automation. Our goal is to create a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for state machines and their potential to revolutionize the way we approach problem-solving. Through our articles, tutorials, and events, we strive to empower our audience with the knowledge and tools they need to implement state machines in their own projects and drive innovation forward.

State Machines Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet is designed to provide a quick reference guide for anyone getting started with state machines. It covers the basic concepts, topics, and categories related to state machines, as well as some tips and tricks for working with them.

Table of Contents

Introduction to State Machines

A state machine is a mathematical model used to describe the behavior of a system. It consists of a set of states, transitions between those states, and actions that occur when a transition is made. State machines are used in a variety of applications, including software development, control systems, and artificial intelligence.

State Machine Concepts


A state is a condition or mode of operation of a system. In a state machine, states are represented by nodes or circles. Each state has a name and can be associated with one or more actions.


A transition is a change from one state to another. In a state machine, transitions are represented by arrows or lines connecting the states. Each transition has a trigger, which is an event or condition that causes the transition to occur.


An action is a task or operation that is performed when a transition occurs. Actions can be associated with states or transitions and can include things like sending a message, updating a variable, or executing a function.


An event is a signal or message that triggers a transition in a state machine. Events can be internal or external, and can be triggered by user input, system events, or other sources.


A guard is a condition that must be met in order for a transition to occur. Guards can be used to prevent transitions from occurring under certain conditions, or to ensure that certain conditions are met before a transition can occur.

Hierarchical States

Hierarchical states are states that contain other states. They are used to model complex systems with multiple levels of behavior.

Orthogonal States

Orthogonal states are states that can exist simultaneously. They are used to model systems with multiple independent behaviors.

State Machine Categories

Finite State Machines (FSMs)

Finite state machines are state machines with a finite number of states. They are used to model systems with a fixed set of behaviors.

Mealy Machines

Mealy machines are state machines where the output depends on both the current state and the input. They are used to model systems where the output is a function of both the current state and the input.

Moore Machines

Moore machines are state machines where the output depends only on the current state. They are used to model systems where the output is a function of the current state only.

Hierarchical State Machines (HSMs)

Hierarchical state machines are state machines with multiple levels of behavior. They are used to model complex systems with multiple levels of behavior.

Orthogonal State Machines (OSMs)

Orthogonal state machines are state machines with multiple independent behaviors. They are used to model systems with multiple independent behaviors.

State Machine Topics

State Machine Design

State machine design is the process of creating a state machine to model a system. It involves identifying the states, transitions, and actions required to model the system's behavior.

State Machine Implementation

State machine implementation is the process of creating code to implement a state machine. It involves translating the state machine design into code that can be executed by a computer.

State Machine Testing

State machine testing is the process of verifying that a state machine behaves as expected. It involves creating test cases to verify that the state machine responds correctly to different inputs and conditions.

State Machine Debugging

State machine debugging is the process of identifying and fixing errors in a state machine. It involves analyzing the state machine's behavior to identify the cause of errors and making changes to the state machine design or implementation to fix them.

State Machine Optimization

State machine optimization is the process of improving the performance of a state machine. It involves identifying bottlenecks in the state machine's behavior and making changes to the state machine design or implementation to improve performance.

Tips and Tricks


State machines are a powerful tool for modeling the behavior of complex systems. By understanding the basic concepts, categories, and topics related to state machines, you can create effective and efficient state machines that accurately model the behavior of your system. Use this cheatsheet as a reference guide to help you get started with state machines and become a state machine expert.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. State Machine: A mathematical model used to represent the behavior of a system or process.
2. State: A condition or mode in which a system or process can exist.
3. Transition: A change from one state to another in a state machine.
4. Event: A trigger that causes a state machine to transition from one state to another.
5. Action: A behavior or operation that is performed when a state machine transitions from one state to another.
6. State Diagram: A graphical representation of a state machine that shows the states, transitions, and events.
7. Finite State Machine: A state machine with a finite number of states.
8. Mealy Machine: A type of state machine where the output depends on both the current state and the input.
9. Moore Machine: A type of state machine where the output depends only on the current state.
10. Deterministic Finite Automaton: A type of finite state machine where each state has a unique transition for each input.
11. Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton: A type of finite state machine where a state can have multiple transitions for the same input.
12. Regular Language: A language that can be recognized by a finite state machine.
13. Context-Free Language: A language that can be recognized by a pushdown automaton.
14. Turing Machine: A theoretical model of a computer that can simulate any algorithm.
15. Universal Turing Machine: A Turing machine that can simulate any other Turing machine.
16. Halting Problem: The problem of determining whether a given Turing machine will eventually halt or run forever.
17. Church-Turing Thesis: The hypothesis that any algorithm can be computed by a Turing machine.
18. Algorithm: A set of instructions for solving a problem or performing a task.
19. Computation: The process of executing an algorithm.
20. Formal Language: A language with a precise syntax and grammar.

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